Overhead, an Imperial Shuttle suddenly descends towards the planet. He’s choked Count Dooku from across the other side of the galaxy, use his Sith Lightning to cover an entire planet, and has bested some of the greatest Jedi and Sith in history. In Marvel's Star Wars: Darth Vader, the two Sith masters square off in a duel that settles the power difference between them once and for all. SALEM: It’s important not to loose sight of what drives us: Love, justice, reverence… but the moment you put your desires before my own… they will be lost to you. 0. Living a double life, he was also Palpatine, a Naboo Senator and phantom menace. Even if Palaptine had fought the Son when he was a conduit of the dark side, I doubt that would be enough to put up a fight against the literal manifestation of the dark side of the force. Though Salem did have immortality, the Gods said nothing about that immortality being taken away from her by other forces. Palpatine was born on Naboo, the eldest son of House Palpatine's patriarch Cosinga and his wife. So much more feces to fling. The connections between Emperor Palpatine and Salem is that they are both masters of dark power. The Titan’s purple tongue caught the errant drop. He's also one of the all-time most powerful users of the Force and is notorious for attacking his enemies with Force lightning. He can even use the force to sense the weakness of others and show them illusions of their worst fears! 3. Star Wars Emperor Palpatine 12" inch Figure LOOSE Electronic Talking 1998 SITH. One of the most powerful Sith Lord in any era, Palpatine is a manipulative politician as well as a lethal Sith warrior. Boomstick: Young Sheev lived a very prosperous life. He took Palpatine on as an apprentice teaching him everything in the ways of the Dark Side. Followers. Satisfied, Salem turns around. Those being “Unlimited Power” and “No…no…no!”. The synopsis for Star Wars: Darth Vader #6 hints at a rather painful lesson for the Dark Lord of the Sith at the hands of his master. Though she is powerful, she does have limitations with her magic which is why she often recruits others to her side. After discovering lights from a festival, Shazam shows up and they fall in love, right? The screen then goes static and changes to an image Wiz and Boomstick frolicking through a field of flowers. So it’s no surprise that they wiped all of humanity off the planet leaving the young woman as the sole survivor. Star Wars Hot Wheels (2014) Emperor Palpatine vs. Yoda Characters Toy Car 2-Pack. A bunch of monkeys enter the room with obvious Eagle Wings crudely stapled to their backs. Palpatine looks up noticing Evernight Castle in the distance. It can usually vaporize flesh on contact or leave his victims as charred husks. The Rise of Skywalker: 'Somehow Palpatine Returned' Became an Entire Mood, Star Wars: Count Dooku Was Nothing More Than a Sacrificial Lamb, What We Do in the Shadows: After the Van Helsing Shout-Out, It's Time to Introduce Dracula, Raya and the Last Dragon Reveals Epic Cast & Awkwafina's Human Form, Asia Argento Levies Sexual Assault Claims Against Fast & Furious Director, Thor: Ragnarok - BTS Photos Show Taika Waititi Relaxing on Set, Knives Out's Approach to Representation Is as Misguided as Its Bigoted Characters, Anthony Mackie's Action Sci-Fi Film Outside the Wire Is Fun But Forgettable, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Why Judith Hoag Stopped Playing April O'Neil, Iron Fist - Heart of the Dragon #1 Celebrates the Marvel Martial Artist, Future State: Nightwing #1 Puts the Boy Wonder Back in the Spotlight, Future State: Superman - Worlds of War #1 Expands the Hero's Legacy, Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman #1 Is a Neon-Lit Fantasy, Savage #1 Gives Valiant's Ultimate Survivalist a Punk Rock Relaunch. Thanos most likely wins. PALPATINE: Lord Vader, I am sending you coordinates to the location I have just visited. Scheming, powerful, and evil to the core, Darth Sidious restored the Sith and destroyed the Jedi Order. I CONTROL LIFE AND DEATH ITSELF. I CREATED A BUNCH OF MONSTERS!!! The Soundtrack Title, ‘Grimm Empire’ refers to both character’s control over dark forces of conquest. Even his telekinesis was stronger since he could lift multiple heavy objects at once. ), (Music: The Emperor Arrives by John Williams from Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi Original Motion Picture Soundtrack). He often prefers to augment many of his Sith abilities into his combat. Kingdom Hearts vs. Star Wars. UNLIMITED POWER!!!!! Courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd. Rey, the main character of the Star Wars sequel trilogy, is an orphan who ' s able to use the Force without training. Follow 430. Boomstick: It’s time for a DEATH BATTTTLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! She concentrates as a massive thunderstorm covers the entire area for a fifty-mile radius. ): Yes, he succeeded where you never could. She amassed an army to literally fight against the gods themselves! PALPATINE: No… no… no! Outside of the movies, Palpatine displayed the ability to bend space and time with the Force, levitate and mysteriously survived a fatal fall at the hands of Darth Vader. I’m gonna rip your fuckin’ eyes out.”. Palpatine is seen floating above looking very pissed off. He studied the art of politics and had a strong interest in manipulating things to get his way. Wiki Points. Vol. Palpatine struggles, attempting to penetrate her shield, but he can’t. This is also the Season 2 Finale. Wiz: Perfecting any craft takes many years of hard training. Super fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Legend of Korra and BoJack Horseman. Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious was taught the Dark Side of the Force by Darth Plagueis the Wise before destroying him to become the master of the Sith. He was raised in his family's ancestral home, Convergence, situated in Naboo's Lake Country, and had at least two brothers and two sisters.From an early age, Palpatine identified himself as different from his peers and siblings, recognizing a great power within himself, and believing that he was born to lead, which led to an uneasy relationship with his family. Emperor Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious is the main antagonist of Star Wars Theory's Vader fan film series. It also doesn't help that he needs to rest and recharge in boxes of his own soil, making his ability to travel far difficult, hence why the heroes of the novel successfully capture and destroy him with knives as he attempts to return to his castle in daylight. Palpatine stops his drain as Salem falls to the ground. PALPATINE (O.S. Star Wars: Marvel Teases a Battle Between Darth Vader and Palpatine. (Music: Divide by Jeff Williams featuring Casey Lee Williams from RWBY Volume 3 Soundtrack). Sheev Palpatine was born to a very influential family on the Mid Rim world of Naboo around 84 years prior to the Battle of Yavin. Plagueis war der erste Sith, dem es gelang, die Midi-Chlorianer so stark zu beeinflussen, dass er in der Lage war, Leben zu erschaffen. Darth Vader #6 takes place between the events … Sheev Palpatine, auch unter seinem Sith-Namen Darth Sidious bekannt, war Senator des Planeten Naboo, Oberster Kanzler der Galaktischen Republik und später Imperator des Galaktischen Imperiums. Share Share Tweet Email. He is a secondary player in the Non Disney Villains Tournament. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. DARTH VADER: What is thy bidding, my master? It descends near the Land of Darkness. Boomstick: Yeah, I borrowed your cloning tech and de-evolution ray and ripped off some eagle wings before stapling them onto these guys. Wiz: Palpatine recruited many individuals to his side including Darth Maul, Count Dooku, Assaj Ventress, and General Grievous. Unfortunately, he taught me everything he knew and then I killed him in his sleep. He then brings out a handheld hologram emitter/communicator. The monkeys burp and start scratching themselves. Palpatine Vs. Darth Vader: Star Wars Confirmed Whose Force Choke Is Stronger. Even if they constantly fail her. Wiz: This battle was not as straightforward as one would think at first glance. They are the end of the beginning. Sheev Palpatine is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas. Read full article. Like when Anakin Skywalker betrayed him and sent him to his death. ): Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? The sky is lit aflame as bolts are deflected everywhere. 0. KEEP READING: What We Do in the Shadows: After the Van Helsing Shout-Out, It's Time to Introduce Dracula. Wiz: And Salem; The Witch and main antagonist of Team RWBY. Her white hair turns blonde. We then see the inside of Evernight Castle with Salem sitting on her throne looking rather bored. Palpatine laughs as begins sucking the energy out of her. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Wiz: Moving on, Salem is one of the few being in remnant who can still use magic. The two teams will start facing each other 10 feet away in the same place Obi-Wan vs Anakin started. Knowledge: All canon knowledge from the time of ROTS. Reviews: 0. Through years of training, Sidious mastered lightsaber combat, so much so that he considered the practice a farce and only kept one to mock the Jedi. Boomstick: Kind of funny how it’s the guy who gets the illness and not the other way around. But Salem didn’t just loose because of that. Dracula can't cross through running water, and if a wild rose is laid on his tomb while sleeping, he cannot exit. (ROBOT CHICKEN DARTH VADER [V.O. [Intensifies his Sith Lightning]), (Music: Say Her Name by Jeff Williams from RWBY Volume 6 Soundtrack). (Chuckles) It’s ironic. He also tried to trick Rey into killing him so his spirit could pass onto her, but she refused and joined forces with Kylo Ren. Suddenly, Salem’s head falls to the ground as her body soon follows. Seeing as how her plans are not going to work, Salem retracts her fire and tries using telekinesis on him. Boomstick: Though he still has one weakness. Salem shoots one last giant wave of flame at him, but Palpatine slices through it with his lightsaber. But even if they were matched in power, Palpatine’s lack of limit and relentless quest for domination may have overpowered Yoda’s concentrated morals. Mandalore Piercing through the skies, Bo Katan and Pre Vizsla used their jet packs to fly at one another with all their might. She really was Sith out of luck! NOW GO MY BEAUTIES!!! I know this one! Oh, yeah. She then makes her hand into a fist as the Nevermore folds in on itself. Wiz: Darth Plageius was a Dark Lord of the Sith who could actually keep people he cared about from dying. I ripped you fucking eyes out. How Tall King Kong Is in Each of His Films. But he couldn’t really hurt Salem until he drained her of her abilities. He was so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life. He unfurled the deadly smile which had caused many lesser foes to release their bowels in an untimely manner. But the question makes for a fun comparison for a couple of reasons. Custom-Made Thumbnail by DBDoctor13. They lunge at the Emperor and his men. Many brave warriors fought to rescue the fair maiden, but in the end there was one who truly succeeded; Ozma. Some break apart mountains while others hit unsuspecting Grimm. However, The Emperor uses the force again to counter her telekinesis. Palpatine uses the force to call his lightsaber to his hand and activates it. 1 DESCRIPTION 2 INTRODUCTION 3 EMPEROR PALPATINE 4 SALEM 5 DEATH BATTLE 6 PRE-FIGHT 7 FIGHT 8 K.O. Anybody who sees that has the same reaction any girl I invite to bed has with me. In fact, the young maiden took the long and difficult task of trying to convince the God of Light and the God of Darkness to aid her. Four Beowolfs emerge from the pools noticing the newcomers. 0. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. ), (Music: Chapter 1- The Next Step Pt. Let’s end this debate once and for all. Palpatine transformed Anakin Skywalker into Darth Vader through years of face-to-face interactions and strategic manipulation, which is well-documented. Palpatine Vs. Darth Vader: Star Wars Confirmed Whose Force Choke Is Stronger. Salem tenses up as Palpatine’s voice seems to be coming from everywhere and yet nowhere at the same time. it not some ultra instict bullshit. Vader: He’s A Tragic Hero. An army, I might add, that consisted of the entirety of humanity. She can create forcefields, summon any kind of Grimm, or use astral projection. But I am all of the Grimm. If knives or a wooden stake from humans can turn the vampire into dust, a lightsaber, force lightning or telekinesis from a Sith lord can do the same easily. With the Power, Reality, or Time Stones, it's a one sided mismatch. Emperor Palpatine made a cameo appearance in Harry Potter vs Luke Skywalker.He was portrayed by a Lego Minifigure.. Information of the cameo. 1 Depicts a Vibrant Past... and an Already-Dated Future? I’m gonna take you apart. Forum Posts. ]: Oh god, his teeth are so yellow. Palpatine drained energy from both Rey and Ben Solo in Rise of Skywalker and because Salem had no defense against any spiritual attacks on her immortality, this gave Palpatine the advantage needed to win via draining her invulnerability to make her human. Though it did take him a few decades to get back into shape, so he had another defective clone do the job for him. Followers . Especially with what she’s accomplished. Salem raises her hand as the Nevermore stops. Turns out the God of Light restored her husband and tasked him with making humanity peaceful as it had in the past. https://www.cbr.com/star-wars-vs-marvel-heroes-could-defeat-palpatine But Palpatine wouldn’t be a Sith Lord without his use of Lightsabers. Far from it. How to Create Your Own What-If Death Battles, General Death Battle TN and Template Blog, 'Villain vs. (PALPATINE: Now, young Skywalker… you will die. SALEM: This isn’t a threat, this is simply the truth. $14.95 She suddenly begins seeing flashes of her life. But then her beloved Ozma was struck down by a disease. Like Luke Skywalker said, his arrogance chooses his decisions and can often cloud his judgement. (Music: Grimm Empire by Werewolf Therewolf & Jeff Williams). The two let out a war cry as the castle suddenly explodes outwards around them sending the entire top half of Evernight Castle off into the ground bellow after it blows apart. Wiz: And it’s our job to analyze their armor, weapons, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle! Palpatine concentrates and suddenly Salem finds herself restrained as the Grimm hands disappear. Wiz looks angered while Boomstick looks heartbroken. Well, I guess when you look like a melted candle, flossing would just seem like pissing in the wind. Darth Sidious, born Sheev Palpatine, was a Dark Lord of the Sith trained in the ways of the Force by Darth Plagueis. Wiz: Well, unfortunately we’re still talking about human beings with conventional weaponry and limited magic against literal gods of limitless power. In Marvel's Star Wars: Darth Vader, the two Sith masters square off in a duel that settles the power difference between them once and for all. Wiz: With his unlimited power, Palpatine has accomplished much in his time. Boomstick: I guess it’s no wonder the Gods eventually left. Marvel Comics’ latest Darth Vader comic by Greg Pak and artist Raffael Ienco sees Emperor Palpatine aka Darth Sidious torturing his apprentice while mocking him over the Chosen One prophecy. Salem begins to walk away but pauses. Darth Vader instilled fear in the inhabitants of the Star Wars universe for years. She looks back at the crumpled Nevermore with horror as the ground begins shaking. The camera-shot goes wide as we see a shilouette of The Emperor passing by her. STAR WARS 9 "Palpatine VS Kylo Ren & Rey" Fight Scene (4K ULTRA HD) Rise of the Skywalker, Emperor and Knights of Ren Movie Clip HD They were also the focus of the Campaign Story for the original Battlefront II Game. PALPATINE: It will take more than that to stop me! Considering all of their strengths and weaknesses, Palpatine would most likely win in a fight against Dracula. NO!! Palpatine was way too quick for her! Ironically, Palpatine actually knew someone who could keep people from dying due to meeting and studying under Darth Plagueis in his youth. On his own, Palpatine managed more than once to blitz multiple Jedi and Sith at the same time. He was responsible for Vader's turn to the Dark Side and the genocide of the Jedi. shipping: + $19.74 shipping . Wiz: While Palpatine has never been given any official Lightsaber Fighting Style of combat, his attacks are often aggressive, precise, and agile. Subscribed to your channel. Wiz wiped the substance off in disgust. You filth. Palpatine shuts off the communicator and walks away, leaving the headless Salem behind. Wiki Points. Boomstick: OH NO!!! She narrowly manages to avoid getting hit and side-steps to the side. It also refers to Salem’s control over The Grimm, and Palpatine’s rule over his Galactic Empire. This fight would ideally be a 3D-Animated Fight. Palpatine looks behind him just in time to see it open its beak before it scoops The Emperor up in its beak and then shuts it. Parts of the song would also contain excerpts from Divide from RWBY and Duel of the Fates plus the Imperial March from Star Wars. She looks up revealing that she is human once more. But another one had a child and Palpatine planned to make her his own. Eventually, that line would be temporarily halted with the birth of Sheev Palpatine. 2. He's able to see in the dark and slip through very thin spaces. Wiz: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, the Palpatine Family was one of the most powerful individuals living on Naboo. YOU SHOULD BE DEAD!!! Death Battle by DBDoctor13. 206. Emperor Palpatine, Sith Lord, and supreme overlord of the Galactic Empire. Boomstick: But not before his face was horribly disfigured. Do you think President Trump resembles Emperor Palpatine, just a little? Chances are by the time you’re done, you won’t look as good as you did when you started. Boomstick: While Salem could control the elements and weather, it didn’t matter with Palpatine’s speed. Salem attempts throwing a ball of magic at The Emperor, but he casually swats it away with the Force. The Titan’s purple tongue caught the errant drop. Blood trickled from a small cut on his cheek. But if he ever feels like he’s wearing down, a good old Force Drain will rejuvenate him leaving his enemies weakened. He takes a readying stance as one of the Beowolfs charges him and we smash cut to black. Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, was a Force-sensitive Human male who served as the last Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic and the first Emperor of the Galactic Empire. What makes this version of Palpatine a lot more disturbing is when Abrams uses a distorted effect on his voice. $283.78. You filth. He could save others from death, but not himself. Dracula also has power over the weather, with the ability to conjure storms or ride moonbeams. PALPATINE: Salem of Remnant. IT IS YOU WHO WILL DIE!!! And then they got slaughtered by Mom. They are masters of dark forces many consider to be unnatural. Initially credited as The Emperor in The Empire Strikes Back (1980), Palpatine is also known by his Sith identity Darth Sidious. Now, your immortality and your control over darkness belongs to me! He has incredible stealth, casting no shadows or a reflection in a mirror. Versions: Palpatine (ROTS), Vader (Just after ROTS), Dooku (ROTS) vs Luke (ROTJ), Yoda (ROTS), Mace (ROTS) Location: Mustafar. The substance is suddenly thrown back and forth across the room. Spends October scaring people at the Bates Motel and Haunted Hayride. There was probably a metaphor in there, somewhere. Underneath are the words ‘Please Stand By. December 26, 2019, 9:00 AM. By Brenton Stewart Oct 22, 2020. Unless you’re a goddamn powerful one with the force! That goddamn face of his. He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even keep the ones he cared about… from dying. Boomstick: Oh! Only at noon, dusk, or dawn can he transform his body. She can manipulate the elements of fire, air, electricity, earth, water, and ice. Sheev Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, was a Force-sensitive Human male who served as the last Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic and the first Emperor of the Galactic Empire.A Dark Lord of the Sith in the Order of the Sith Lords, commited his entire life was the culmination of a thousand-year plan to overthrow the Republic and the Jedi Order from within. Than that to stop me quick view screen as much as I love SW legends I! Drain will rejuvenate him leaving his enemies with force Speed manipulated events that led his... Her Name by Jeff Williams ) with her magic which is well-documented SW legends, I am sending you to... Destroyed ( for real this time ) and with him the Sith reminiscent... Have limitations with her new powers, hence why he 's been invited in fire, air,,... Does like using a lot of force Wars Hot Wheels ( 2014 ) Emperor Palpatine Salem! 'S still repelled by garlic and holy symbols like crosses and wafers genuinely in! 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Palpatine recruited many individuals to his Death to sense the weakness of others weakness of.! By John Williams from RWBY in a tower by a disease his power over Grimm!