These pegmatites are likely related to the geology to the east of the mountain which is dominated by the Kinsman quartz monzonite. 11:24 am. I was hoping for views this time, but instead got a windy, snow filled day. Mount Tecumseh & Mount Osceola Waterman, Laura and Waterman, Guy (April 1994). Q uite a ways south and west of our location here in the Mount Washington Valley, hikers will find the 4802-foot Mt Moosilauke (pronounced moo-suh-loc-kee or moo-suh-lock, you pick). Best to get there early for parking. should only be attempted under good conditions. 7.5 miles round-trip, 2,500 feet elevation gain. Moosilauke, the most Western 4000-footer with beautiful views of the Franconia Ridge and Presidentials to the east and the Green Mountains of Vermont in the west. … Then you hit the rocks and you need to do a lot of big step ups. to the junction with the Carriage Road is steep, and can be moderately Moosilauke is the most westerly of the New Hampshire Fours. 4000 Footers Home car there are two possible loops starting and ending at the Ravine … Add Your Ascents. Moosilauke is the most westerly of the New Hampshire Fours. Mount Moosilauke weather forecast issued today at 10:24 am. In good weather you get great views to the west into Vermont and This section can be slippery when wet If you would like to take a Mount Moosilauke hike, you are in luck. Other trails to the summit include the Glencliff Trail from the southwest, the Benton Trail from the north, the Beaver Brook Trail ascending very steeply past numerous waterfalls from Kinsman Notch to the northeast, the Carriage Road from the south and the Asquam Ridge Trail from the southeast. To summarize, here are the distances, elevation gains and book You should definitely wear hiking boots because there is a lot of roots in some areas and the rocks can be slippery. or icy. Articles Clough and westward into the Connecticut River valley and Vermont beyond. Graph Plots Open in Graphs. My Hiking Blog, Mount Washington more difficult than the standard ones, or that are simply less often A hiker's guide to Mt. Days w/ J: F: M: A: M: J: J: A: S: O: N: D: Ascents in Mt. The lodge is owned by Dartmouth College and is run by members of the Dartmouth Outing Club. Guide to Resources With all these trails a variety of loops are possible. ; — Given the population of San … The South Peak, reached by a 0.2-mile (0.32 km) spur trail, is particularly noted for its fine views of the main summit ridge, into the deep Tunnel Brook Ravine to neighboring Mt. Why did it … [10], Mt. This table gives the weather forecast for Moosilaukee at the specific elevation of 1464 m. Historical Weather. More on that in the next post! Only Lodge guests can park nearer to the lodge. Mt. Mt. The amphibolites may represent metamorphosed submarine basalt flows. very steep Beaver Brook trail and return by either the Gorge Brook Next forecast at approx. Below we will take a look at two of the most commonly hiked trails in the area. ... Mt Moosilauke… or Moose as it’s nicknamed by hikers, skiers and climbers, is the western most 4000 footer. FAQ Moosilauke. The TrailsNH Weather Forecast uses the latest NOAA Point Forecast data with a focus on what's most important for your outdoor adventure. Mount Mansfield Enjoy spectacular views on chilly exposed ridge. My last visit to Moosilaukewas spent in the fog after an October snow storm. There is an old, crumbled-down foundation at the top that serves as shelter on colder days but the weather was beautiful, although a bit hazy. The Recreation Mountain Weather Forecast. Weather Wind Rainfall Sun Moon UV Tides Swell More. United States; NH; Grafton County; Mount Moosilauke; 1-Day 3-Day 5-Day. Mt. Moose Chalet on Mt. this mountain (rt: 10.2 miles, 3100 feet, 6:40). Peak Bagging Mount Liberty & Mount Flume The weather was beautiful and the ride up Rt. In the summer, Mt. Mount Cabot & Mount Waumbek Today A slight chance of snow showers after 11am. Mount Moosilauke, located about 8 miles west of Lincoln, NH (just south of Franconia Notch State Park), is a popular White Mountain hiking and backcountry skiing peak. Many things can get in the way of that in the all-too-typical unpredictability of New England weather, but we’ll see how far we get. Mount Lafayette & Mount Lincoln ... Ed/Larry, Tom and I met up on Ravine road after driving from home in some wet weather. times of the various possible routes up Mt. "The White Mountain Four Thousand Footers List", "Moosilauke, A Mountain of Many Names and Adventures", "Charles H. Hitchcock and the Geological Survey of New Hampshire (part 2)",, Mountains of Grafton County, New Hampshire, Pages using infobox mountain with deprecated parameters, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 2 January 2021, at 03:27. The Mount Moosilauke and South Peak Loop at the White Mountain National Forest in Warren, New Hampshire is a difficult 8.2-mile loop hike that covers three trails and summits Mount Moosilauke and South Peak. This was my first winter hike, not that I was expecting it – but 3,100 vertical feet will do that. views than the main peak. Great weather. Mount Isolation Mount Madison It is the farthest west of the NH 4000' peaks and it's summit is a large exposed area above treeline offering wide ranging views which many consider the best in the Whites. lodge. Routes to Peaks No doubt, many NoBos have ascended the Glencliff Trail as if it were a mere speed bump, and, basking in the sun on Moosilauke’s windswept summit, dismissed the stories of roots and rock scrambles as no match for their nearly 2,000-mile-trail … We arrived at the Ravine Lodge - which is ran by students at Dartmouth College - at about … The Beaver Brook Trail is the third possibility. One can make a loop by returning via the Carriage Road and Snapper Trail. Wildcat-Carter-Moriah Range uses the Benton, Glencliff and Tunnel Brook trails (lp: 13.3 miles, will allow you to get driving directions to the trailheads. [9] Moosilauke has numerous subsidiary peaks, including Mount Blue , elevation 4,529 feet (1,380 m), to the north of the summit, and the South Peak, elevation 4,523 feet (1,379 m), between the Carriage Road and Glencliff Trail, about one mile southwest of the main peak. The trail is on In good weather you get great views to the west into Vermont and New York from its bare summit. Precip . Moosilauke - 4802' (4/48) Gorge Brook Trail-head On Saturday, June 30th, Paloma, John, and I set out to hike Mt. My friend Bob and I led a winter hike up to Moosilauke and its southern sub-peak recently, climbing the mountain via the Carriage Road Trail from its base on Breezy Point Road. Moosilauke welcomes northbound AT hikers to New Hampshire’s White Mountains, and the gradual ascent via the Glencliff Trail is a gracious host. ... Share Your Local Tips! We recommend the Carriage road approach for winter months. With the milder spring weather rolling in it was time for my dog Conan to join me on the trails. 1-Day 3-Day 5-Day. Through the generosity of numerous individuals, most notably Pennington Haile ’24, the College owns 4,600 acres on this 4,802 foot peak (about a third of the mountain above 2000 … Moosilauke: Mount Moosilauke is the "other" above treeline peak. Winter hiking anywhere in the White Mountains requires specialized equipment and skills, and experience in coping with weather, navigation, and winter gear. 1.6 miles (each way) and 400 feet of elevation gain. New Hampshire Mountains. Detailed 6 day mountain weather forecasts for climbers and mountaineers planning expeditions. The summit of Moosilauke, like many of the 4,000 footers in the Whites, is … 4,802 ft. The final climb Weather Forecast North Woodstock, NH. Moosilauke in the winter of 1869-1870.[9]. Mt. Lists the brook is very steep and may be icy. Bonds & Zealand NOAA also has these forecasts for Mount Moosilauke South Peak NH: Mount Moosilauke South Peak NH 7-Day Forecast (text) Mount Moosilauke South Peak NH Hourly Forecast (graph) Plan A Safe Hike: Plan your trip; Tell someone; Be aware of the weather; Know your … It is a short walk to the Lodge and to get to the trail head you go down and around it (there are signs). It’s bald exposed … Wow! Via Gorge Brook Trail, Carriage Road, and Snapper Trail. Other Vermont 4000 Footer Peaks, Recreation A break in the clouds on the Mt Moosilauke Carriage Road Trail Mount Moosilauke is the westernmost 4000 footer in New Hampshire with a bald summit that is greatly exposed to the weather and the wind. National Satellite; National Synoptic; Mount Moosilauke Temperature Statistics . Kinsman Ridge Extremely severe storms can develop suddenly and unexpectedly, especially above treeline. Directions To Mount Moosilauke: For driving directions to trailheads near Mount Moosilauke click a parking area on the map above, and choose Google Driving … Moosilauke, including opening hours, address and more. High . The fact that a trail is not mentioned here does not imply that The mica schist started out as clay-rich mud in a marine basin that probably formed during the early Acadian Orogeny. It is the tenth highest and most southwesterly of the 4,000 foot summits in the White Mountains. Moosilauke is a hotel located in Warren. This is the current weather in Warren: 55°F. ;-) - SUBSCRIBE-@ecbanks … Steady elevation from the beginning for about 1.5 miles. Moosilauke in Winter. Haute Route Unfortunately the was being repaired so we had hike the … ... ***To address unforeseen challenges such as adverse weather, unacceptable trail conditions or excessive crowding, the planned trip destination, activity and/or meeting place and time may be modified. 93 to the trail-head was clear and took a lot less time than we anticipated. Moosilauke in the winter of 1869-1870. Moosilauke has numerous subsidiary peaks, including Mount Blue, elevation 4,529 feet (1,380 m), to the north of the summit, and the South Peak, elevation 4,523 feet (1,379 m), between the Carriage Road and Glencliff Trail, about one mile southwest of the main peak. in any detail. Moosilauke as seen from Black Mountain. Weather. Camels Hump The unit also contains interbedded amphibolites. Graph Plots Open in Graphs. The winds can be crazy, and good views are often hard to come by, but it is a fantastic experience with the right equipment. The area has several different hiking trailsall of which offers something different. There generally is plowed parking at the end of the road. The Beaver Brook trail, though equally short (rt: 7.6 Route will be likely along intermediate terrain. Moosilauke (4,802 feet). Because the nearest station and this geographic feature … Weather; Wind; Rainfall; Sun; Moon; UV; Tides; Swell; Warnings; Maps; Graphs; Mount Moosilauke Wind Forecast. Beaver Brook and Asquam Ridge trails (lp: 9.6 miles, 2,450 feet, ... Mount Moosilauke, #10 on the New Hampshire 4,000 footer list and coming in at 4,802 feet. It The Glencliff trail joins the Carriage Road at the base In that event, participants … It is our most westerly of the New Hampshire 4000-footers and the first of many of the bigger mountains in the White Mountain National Forest that NoBo Appalachian Trail thru-hikers will encounter. have somewhere between ¼ and ½ mile above treeline. Kinsman Mountain (1328 m) 13.3 km: 3. Mt. The South Peak can easily be added to this hike, it offers different Moosilauke in the White Mountains of New Hampshire including a mountain description, photos, preplanned hike, driving directions, topographical map, and weather information. Weather Averages. 5:10) has moderate grades and good footing, but a stream crossing Highpointing forecast for Mount Here you can find more information about Moose Chalet on Mt. it is unsuitable. [7], The summit of Moosilauke is treeless and offers panoramic views of the Kinsmans to the north, the Presidential Range and Franconia Ridge to the northeast, the heart of the White Mountains to the east, Lake Winnipesaukee and neighboring lakes to the southeast, and the Green Mountains and Adirondacks to the west, along with great views closer in to numerous glacially-carved ravines on Moosilauke's shoulders. The hike felt hard. along the beautiful cascades. 6:00). Mount Moosilauke is made up of metamorphic rock called the Littleton Formation which is Lower Devonian in age. it, and is exposed to the wind even below treeline. Go up Gorge Brook trail, and descend by either the Carriage Moosilauke are approximately equal to the worst reported from Antarctica, despite the much greater cold in the latter region. miles, 3,100 feet, 5:20), has an extremely steep and rough section 3,100 feet, 8:10). additional advantage of being sheltered from the wind most of the Adventures The section beside Other Pemi Peaks The Appalachian Trail passes over the mountain. Moosilauke. Areas. Moosilauke More information. Clear sky. that are commonly used to hike to the peaks. Clouds: 1%. 3:29 am. There is still plenty elevation but it wasn't as hard after that. Hike Mt. Finally the Benton Trail (rt: 7.2 miles, 3,100 feet, out and click on any feature. Low . Due to this long association, Moosilauke is often called "Dartmouth's Mountain". New York from its bare summit. We hiked Mount Moosilauke taking the Gorge Brook trail to the summit and then coming down via the Glencliff Trail to the Carriage Road to the Hurricane Trail and then out again on the Gorge Brook trail. I planned an up-and-back hike up the Beaver Brook Trail: ... By some incredible luck, there was a weather station in the town of Cañar, so I had records of the wind there: there was a lot of wind in that area, little doubt that a windmill would be feasible, if I could get one built. The Ravine Lodge Road (lp: 7.5 miles, 3,100 feet, 5:20) or Glencliff (lp: 7.7 miles, I decided we’d go for Mt Moosilauke today. 2020-10-08 (Thursday.) west (windward) side of the mountain, with no big mountains shielding [5] However, the derivation of place names from Algonquian languages is often quite uncertain, and other possible translations of Moosilauke include "at the place of ferns", "at the smooth place on the summit" and "good moose place along the brook".[6]. A long loop recommended in the White Mountain Guide of the South Peak (which has attractive views) and uses the last Showing backup Montague. Dartmouth College owns much of the southern and eastern portions of the mountain and has long had a close association with it, with the Outing Club maintaining its trails and the Appalachian Trail from Kinsman Notch southward to Hanover. near the start may be difficult at high water. On the other hand the Ravine Lodge Road is not plowed, adding Garfield Ridge & Twins The map below is a fully interactive Google map, you can zoom in or The Littleton Formation is primarily a mica schist with zones containing garnet and staurolite-sillimanite. You can make it a loop by returning via the Carriage Road and Snapper Trail. Mt. Moosilauke Ravine Lodge; Summer dayhikes; Winter hiking; Weather on Moosilauke; Moosilauke has been the spiritual home of Dartmouth’s out-of-doors for over one hundred years. It is sometimes referred to as the "Gentle Giant". Mount Moosilauke is a 4000-footer in the southwest White Mountains of New Hampshire. Loon Mountain (934 m) 16.8 … Moosilauke summit – the wall to the right is where I hid from the wind. Trails: Gorge Brook Trail, Carriage Road, Snapper Trail. ... Mount Blue (New Hampshire) (1380 m) 1.1 km: 2. Elevation. The Moosilauke Ravine Lodge, which offers food and accommodations to hikers, is situated in the valley on the southeast side of the mountain. Report for New Hampshire and Western Maine, Loop, Gorge Brook, Carriage Road and Snapper, Loop, Gorge Brook, Beaver Brook and Asquam Ridge. most of the way, it also has the gentlest grades of any trail on The most commonly climbed route to the summit is the Gorge Brook Trail from Ravine Lodge. The Lodge had … Mount Adams & Mount Jefferson Mount Moosilauke directions are given to trailheads, and the trails are not described We hiked Glencliff at Mt. There is also a point Find hotels in these areas: Barrington - Bristol - Prudence Island - Warren . Location. forecast for higher elevations (separate forecasts for elevations of Moosilauke is an incredible winter hike. The Moosilauke Carriage Road is wide and has good footing If there was a silver lining to the weather, this was indeed it, and a fine one at that. Powder Project is built by skiers like you. Mount Moosilauke is a 4,802-foot-high (1,464 m) mountain at the southwestern end of the White Mountains in the town of Benton, New Hampshire, United States. 3,100 feet, 5;25). The most common translation is "bald place". Warren, NH. Mounts Tom, Field and Willey The Gorge Brook Trail is the easiest, and in winter has the Mt. 4.0 mi 6.5 km #1 Al Merrill Ski Trail via … Mountain (climbing) weather forecasts for 2 elevations of Moosilaukee, White Mountains (New Hampshire), Appalachians, United States. is plowed up to the gate, with parking space for several cars. Moosilauke . Moosilauke is the Westernmost 4,000 footer in the White Mountains and located in the Kinsman Range. I have omitted hikes that are substantially longer or So, it becomes a matter of dressing properly, watching the weather, using your noggin, and being prepared for the worst as best as you reasonably can be. Moosilauke yesterday. … Most commonly climbed route to the summit is the Gorge Brook Trail from Ravine Lodge. It also has the I climbed Mt Moosilauke on 26 May, 2016, on a gorgeous, sunny day. challenging if it has been packed hard by glissaders. Report for New Hampshire and Western Maine gives a two day The nearest weather station for both precipitation and temperature measurements is BENTON 5 SW which is approximately 5 miles away and has an elevation of 1,200 feet (3,613 feet lower than Mount Moosilauke). 0.9 mile of that trail to reach the summit (rt: 7.8 miles, 3,300 used. The Appalachian Trail, from south to north, utilizes the Glencliff, Carriage Road, Benton and Beaver Brook trails. Near me | Search. Moosilauke Skiing. 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The Appalachian Trail, Carriage Road is plowed parking at the Ravine Lodge which... Is sometimes referred to as the `` other '' above treeline easily be added to this hike, it different. Moosilauke hike, it offers different views than the main peak the section beside Brook. Is less exposure than in the area has several different hiking trailsall of which offers something different ) 1380! A Trail is not mentioned here does not imply that it is unsuitable issued mt moosilauke weather. Nearest station and this geographic feature … hike Mt but instead got a windy, snow filled.... A fine one at that the east of the Road be seen from nearest...