Livingston Eland have white strips on their body, where as the Common Eland do not...we typically have both available on our ranches. In the very early morning silence, a few hundred yards away from the animals we were after, I often heard the sharp cracks caused by that activity. [25] They can be up to 123 cm (4.04 ft) long on males and 66 cm (2.17 ft) on females. An adult male is around 1.6 metres tall at the shoulder shorter) and can weigh up to 942 kg with an average of 500–600 kg , 340–445 kg for females). Its assets, combined with an unlimited capacity for fast moves over long distances, make the giant eland fantastic game, unrivalled on the continent apart from elephant. [5], The giant eland is also called "Lord Derby's eland" in honour of Edward Smith-Stanley, 13th Earl of Derby. [48], Giant elands give large quantities of tender meat and high-quality hides even if fed a low-quality diet. The giant eland (Taurotragus derbianus), also known as the Lord Derby eland, is an open-forest and savanna antelope. The roan antelope is one of Africa’s largest bovids, only exceeded in size by the African buffalo and eland. [38], In 2010, histological analysis of the feces of South African western giant elands was done in the Niokolo-Koba National Park and in the Bandia National Reserve. Elands can survive on scarce water, which is a great advantage over domestic cattle. [26] The giant eland is also parasitised by Carmyerius spatiosus (a trematode species), Taenia crocutae and T. hyaennae (two tapeworm species). Once tracks are found, they are followed quickly and often at a trot because the eland are continually on the move. There are large black spots on the upper forelegs. Easton Axis 400 shafts (9.8 gpi) 75 gr. Maximum continuous power was 2,180 shaft horsepower and 420 pounds of thrust. Bob Merkley took his number 2 eland near the Kosho River CAR in 2012 with guide Francois Guillet. [41], Fights occur for dominance, in which the bulls lock horns and try to twist the necks of their opponents. For those unfamiliar, a record weight is a puck-like … 13-10-2014, 16:32 #5. wished to show such a trophy in his trophy room. They mostly inhabit broad-leafed savannas, woodlands and glades. HHA single-pin sights (.019 & .029). Zimbabwe. [8][9] The name 'eland' is Dutch for "elk" or "moose". Downloads. HORN LENGTH: 33 INCHES. English. Like all chordates, mammals have the presence of four anatomical features both as juveniles and adults although in adults they are highly modified. We've gone to great extents to ensure that we have only the best genetic diversity available in this highly competitive market. It was found that chromosomes involved in centric fusions in these species used a complete set of cattle painting probes generated by laser microdissection. The Eland is the world's largest antelope. Visit the post for more. Did you know… guided tours to Livingstone Island have a 100% safety record. Total arrow weight 515 gr. The common eland and giant eland have been estimated to have diverged about 1.6 million years ago. Livingstone Eland Home / Breeding Game / Livingstone Eland. Eland [Taurotragus oryx] Appearance. With more population, the elands were divided into five groups for observation. [31] Their primary predators are the lion and spotted hyena, while young, sickly and a rare adult may be vulnerable to leopards and African wild dogs. It measures 136 4/8″. ** The Lowdown: Caught in Mongolia's Hoton Lake, this fish may qualify for the first of its species in the IGFA Record Book. [22], A crest of short black hair extends down the neck to the middle of the back, and is particularly prominent on the shoulders. Photo Galleries, Photographer of the Year. Lee Lipscomb’s number 5 eland was taken with the help of Franz Coupe’ of Aouk Sangha Safaris in 2000. The scientific name of the giant eland is Taurotragus derbianus, derived from three words: tauros, tragos, and derbianus. It is no longer present in The Gambia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, and Togo. We have taken (2) new World Record Eland in the past years. [21] Lactation can last for four to five months. The mission of Rowland Ward is to help preserve and increase wildlife and its habitat worldwide by supporting sustainable, fair-chase hunting, which, in turn, directly benefits the local indigenous people of the areas involved. As an act during rut, the males rub their foreheads in fresh urine or mud. After the first six months the young eland might join a group of other juveniles. In 2009, the semi-captive population was 54 individuals (26 males, 28 females). In deserts, they can get their required water from the moisture of succulent plants. International Union for Conservation of Nature, 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-2.RLTS.T44172A50197518.en, "Description of a new species of Antelope from West Africa", 10.1644/1545-1410(2002)689<0001:TO>2.0.CO;2, "Study results from P. Hejcmanova broaden understanding of wildlife research",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 18 November 2020, at 02:00. They usually form small herds consisting of 15–25 members, both males and females. [44] But the rinderpest outbreak (1983–1984) caused a devastating 60–80% decline in the populations. The scientific name of the common eland is Taurotragus oryx, composed of three words: tauros, tragos and oryx. At that moment, when among the herd there is some wavering, some scattering–sometimes over several hundred yards—and some hesitation as to which direction to go, is the right moment for the seasoned hunter to take his chance and shoot–even from a considerable distance–at one of these finally unconcealed lords. A study of giant elands in the Bandia Natural reserve in Senegal revealed that the most important and most preferred plants were various species of Acacia, Terminalia and Combretum, along with Azadirachta indica, Danielia olliveri, Lonchocarpus laxiflorus, Maytenus senegalensis, Prosopis africana, Pterocarpus erinaceus, Saba senegalensis and pods of Piliostigma thonningii. Also at number 6 is Marc Watts and his entry taken with the help of Andre Roux of Dar El Kouti Safaris in 2007. [31], An open-forest and savanna antelope of the family Bovidae. Giant elands can move quickly, running at over 70 km/h (43 mph), and despite their size are exceptional jumpers, easily clearing heights of 1.5 m (4.9 ft). Bramble was raised on Saint Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands.He became the first world champion from Saint Kitts and Nevis. Records of Big Game. In contrast, the farmed common elands behaved as in the conditions of captivity, without predators. He was 185 cm (6 ft 1 in) tall and weighed 178 kg (392 lb or 28 st) in 1963, 317 kg (700 lb or 50 st) in 1966 and 442 kg (975 lb or 69 st 9 lb) in September 1976. The giant elands can also live in deserts, as they produce very dry dung. [17] Another study in Sudan showed that western giant elands preferred Cassia tora, which was the most abundant legume in the region. [33], Giant elands are alert and wary, making them difficult to approach and observe or to hunt. 13 oz. 13,026 Pages. Closely grouped giant eland move along rapidly, led by the constantly watchful old cows who, at the slightest threat, send out strange guttural warning sounds, causing the whole herd to run away immediately with an indescribable racket of broken branches and clanking rocks. [25][31] Eland's milk has about triple the fat content and twice the protein of a dairy cow's milk. Latrive guided him and this bull measured 135 7/8″. Weight 700Kg (M) 460Kg (f) Shoulder Height: 1.7m (M) 1.5cm (F) Mating Season: Throughout the year . The conclusions were that in the dry season the eland was a pure browser, consuming grasses in small amounts. Eland is a species of antelopes, found especially in grasslands of Africa. But it’s no use trying too soon to come close to the herd, as well-positioned sentries will spot you immediately. Chad M. is featured here with his Arabian Oryx that is a potential Top Ten overall and scores a 70. Woodsmen Elite and 125 gr. Giant elands are sometimes considered part of the genus Tragelaphus on the basis of molecular phylogenetics, but are usually categorized as Taurotragus, along with the common eland (T. oryx). [23] Its presence is uncertain in Guinea-Bissau[46] and Nigeria. Today they mostly occur in Senegal. On the second trip in 2010 My wife was along, for a 10 day sightseeing and safari we were after five animals but decided on six that trip which included an Eland and Zebra. Botswana. It was borrowed earlier as ellan (French) in the 1610s or elend (German). It measures 137″. Tauros is Greek for a bull or bullock, meaning the same as the Latin taurus. In addition, the funds collected by SCI Record Book directly aid in protecting your freedom to hunt and hunting for our next generation. They’re always on the move all over the wooded savannah in search of tree species such as isoberlinia, annona, or terminalia, their most favoured food. [8], Although the giant eland is somewhat larger than the common eland, the epithet 'giant' actually refers to its large horns. The common eland, also known as the southern eland or eland antelope, is a savannah and plains antelope found in East and Southern Africa. Hunting trips for Livingstone's Eland. These are game animals and are also hunted for trophies. The bull still claims the No. I often noticed that the bravest animals, when dying or even in death, continue to stare at you as if to make you feel guilty. An adult male is around 1.6 metres (5') tall at the shoulder (females are 20 centimetres (8") shorter) and can weigh up to 942 kg (2,077 lb) with an average of 500–600 kg … Because of its habitat, most hunting is by tracking on foot. In spite of all odds against it, lengthy efforts and a piece of luck will finally help with catching up to eland again one day or another when they stop for a few moments to drink or to allow the youngest to recover some strength. Mozambique. Darryl Hastings holds the number 1 spot with this beauty measuring 143 3/8″. 2 spot of all time, scoring 465 2/8 B&C. As many other animals do, giant elands scrape mineral lick sites with the help of horns to loosen soil. In South Africa it is considered that the more stripes they have the better quality they are. Rowland Ward for Livingstone's Eland is 35 inches and the world record is 47 1/2 inches. Search by Type Any Adventure Report. Some have been seen harnessed to plows, something totally inconceivable for the shy and untameable giant eland! Conscious that they can no longer depend on their fellow creatures for protection, they are constantly moving, unpredictable in their shifting, and permanently on the alert. We know what your preferences are in selecting game and we try to … The King lives at Burkea Wild - watch Dawid the Livingstone Eland Bull as he continues to develop the Legacy of the Livingstone. For this hunt I used a Kodabow Scout crossbow, 658 grain arrow (total weight) and your Monarch 200 single-bevel broadhead. 6 unique antelope from Liuwa. Year round, we offer hunts for awesome Trophy Eland. Congratulations to Chad for his successful hunt in Texas. Gravelotte Game’s principal is to breed with the best genetics available. The largest crappie captured is a white crappie, which also goes by the names of papermouth and bachelor perch. EUR - Euro USD - US Dollar RUB - Russian Ruble GBP - British Pound CAD - Canadian Dollar ZAR - South African Rand AUD - Australian Dollar ENG. [8] A pendulous dewlap, larger in males than females, originates from between the jowls and hangs to the upper chest when they reach sexual maturity, with a fringe of hair on its edge. It is most moving for me to come across a huge herd of these mysterious animals, often after grueling, seemingly endless hikes. Mission Statement. [30], Giant elands live in the broad-leafed savanna, woodlands, and glades of central and western Africa, which correspond to the two subspecies. Of 1,7 metres and weigh over 1000 lbs and the flesh has a Baltic source to. S Liuwa Plain National Park and the world record eland in the CAR trackers to throw earth. Correct data the day, herds often rest in sheltered areas directly aid in protecting your freedom to hunt hunting. A best Price Guarantee unforgettable occurrences explain the legends and superstitions about spread! Sable antelope ; Springbuck ; Tsessebe ; Contact Gallery two Read more Africa is. I., Novelli, O., & Bogliani, G. ( 2000 ), woodlands and.. For those unfamiliar, a record weight is a white crappie, also... De la Rochefoucauld took one such specimen largely exceeding that weight a week former Lightweight! 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