Example: Cleveland has a shell diameter of 152 mm. The higher the Sigma is, the more likely the shells are to land closer towards the center. A shell that destroyed the ship's laundry room or the galley in an artillery duel would have much less of an immediate effect on combat capability than a shell that hit the magazine or the engine compartment. Consistent HE hits and nonstop fires are a bane of many battleship drivers' existence. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute("id","af985a03624ffec805e0ba23c5116e9c");document.getElementById("e6d8880a7e").setAttribute("id","comment"); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. As I already said before, her firepower is incredibly strong. Devblog Wows. The final cost of virtual goods may vary depending on the selected payment method. The first major change is that the penetration calculation will no longer subtract 1 from the rounded value. It might be a good idea to fire HE at a carrier to start its Damage control cooldown. IFHE Changes. If the ship is facing you, or facing away from you, aim just under the bow or the stern -- but keep in mind that bows shots tend to ricochet. Clones and duplicates will not be listed twice, for them refer to the original ship (e.g. The following ships have improved angles: *Due to this setting, Tachibana's AP will never ricochet. Reduced effectiveness against tier VIII+ battleships. AP against a destroyer that suddenly materialized near your ship) than to start a long half-minute reload. See the full text of the dev blog post with the link below: reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/f1rgjt/changes_to_ifhe_and_plating/. The selection of judges and the score keeping methods may vary from pow wow to pow wow. 2020 will have something to satisfy classic and modern gamers alike. This ellipse has a certain length and width values, which are dependent on the characteristics of the gun. it gives a value where 50% of the fired shells will land around the point of aim. IFHE will help tremendously in random battles from T2 all the way to T10. Thus, their plating can't be penetrated by same tier cruisers unless they take IFHE. World of Warships official customer service center. Prior to 0.4.1, penetrations on a destroyer's midsection will deal x0.5 of the shell's listed damage (in lieu of the absence of citadels), however this is no longer the case and penetrations to it will deal the standard x0.33 of the shell's listed damage. The intensity with which the shells fall in different points of the area of dispersion, can be described by a Gaussian (normal) distribution. These shells have an instant fuse and burst immediately upon hitting a target. A good example of this is 127 mm guns. After the first threshold is reached, the damage received is halved (x0.165 dmg for shell penetration). The ship's vital parts are protected by a citadel, which can be visualized as an open-bottomed (closed top) rectangular armored raft with sloped sides sitting within the hull of the ship. At the same time, bear in mind that only shells penetrating the citadel will deal their maximum amount of damage. WoWS Stats & Numbers - best online tool for stats browsing and progress tracking for World of Warships. All rights reserved. Against cruisers, you also do well, especially when using IFHE that pushes your penetration with HE to 28 mm. What is completely unneccessary is screwing over a bunch of ships in the process. The armor tends to be very heavy: on a typical battleship it takes up around 40% of the total displacement of the vessel. Every time a player orders his main caliber guns to fire, the game engine constructs a 2-D ellipse around the point of aim, and does so independently for each salvo fired. Most AP shells in game have a fusing time of 0.033 seconds, but there are shells with as much as 0.1 second fusing time. In effect, the scheme accepts vulnerability to medium-caliber and high-explosive shells striking the unarmored sections of the hull, in order to improve resistance against the heaviest armor-piercing shells, while at the same time being able to carry a powerful armament and retain useful speed and endurance. That is why, unlike the vehicles of World of Tanks, ships in World of Warships are divided into multiple compartments, each with a different value of hit points (HP). Finally, once the second threshold is reached the compartment stops receiving damage, an effect known as. If you aren't positive that you have a good chance of penetrating the citadel, HE shells are a better choice. In addition to any direct damage, HE shells are good for knocking out modules, particularly deck mounted ones like AA emplacements, as well as starting fires, which can deal a large amount of damage over time if not extinguished. Note that those values have been gathered by players in training rooms and are thus not 100% accurate, however they do demonstrate roughly how sigma works. | Privacy Policy | Contact Us | About Us |. Additionally, WarGaming has indicated that not acquiring the target with the X button increases dispersion by an unspecified amount. Analysis of the IFHE Rework: Uncertainty Remains, Battle Carrier Memes – Carrier Secondary Analysis – Why its bad and funny, Historical Context for the 90mm Gun on the New Italian Battleships, Italian BBs – Secondary Battleship Assessment. AP shells should be used against well-armored cruisers and carriers as well, when you are certain that a volley at the waterline will penetrate the citadel. This phenomenon is called dispersion and, irrespective of human and constant error, it is caused by multiple inherent factors: minor variations in the weight of the projectile, differences in the rate of ignition of the propellant, variations in the temperature of the bore from round to round, physical limitations of precision in setting values of deflection and quadrant elevation on the respective scales, minor variations in wind, air density or air pressure, and so on. It is impossible to get a citadel hit on a destroyer, as they no longer have them per se (it was removed in 0.2.4/0.3.0). However, the Atlanta's alpha damage against battleships will not suffer, as she wil still have 26 mm of penetration with IFHE. Ones that fire AP did exist, but have been replaced by HE in patch 0.7.11. Use Ship:Gunnery and Aiming and Ship:Armor Penetration instead. This is an advantage of some spaced or turtleback armor schemes. That means that when AP shells are fired at lightly armored and relatively small target, they might over-penetrate -- explode once they passed through the entire ship, or not even explode, if the shell doesn't encounter enough armor to detonate. When driving most destroyers, your main weapons should be your torpedoes (especially so if you're driving an IJN DD). Example: Shchors has 75 mm of citadel armor. 130 mm guns will likely be able to penetrate 27 mm plating with IFHE, while 127 mm guns will not until T8. The fuse of the AP shell is initiated after it passes through armor, and historically the fuse times were calculated in a way that would allow the shell to explode after traveling about ten or so meters after passing through the armor; that way the shell exploded around the middle of the battleship. The player's gun dispersion value can be modified by player's equipment and by enemy's camouflage. Your email address will not be published. Aslain.com is powered by ...support us today and get a professional Quality game server from BlackBoxServers.net Spoiler Downloads for World of Warships Aslains WoWs ModPack v10.1.0 #07 (~40 MB) download link #1 [direct] (torrent) download link … Although it was desirable for the citadel to be as small as possible, the space enclosed was an important source of reserve buoyancy, and helped prevent the ship from foundering when other compartments had flooded. For ships which rely on fire damage IFHE thus can be a poor choice even if significant armor thresholds are passed. ; 2020-08-06 New flags will be added later. 2021 GamesToday - Your place for discussion, help, guides, reviews, videos, questions, news, and anything else games related. Contact EdibleBug on Reddit for service related issues. Like AP shells, HE does zero damage on shatters, 1/3 damage on normal penetrations, and max damage on citadel penetrations. As of patch 0.3.1, the armor thickness necessary for AP shell fusing was as follows (caliber - armor): 410mm - 68mm, 356mm - 59mm, 203mm - 34mm, 155mm - 26mm. Additional ricochets will cause additional instances of penetration damage until the shell exits the ship or explodes from fuse activation. The penetration values for the current proposal are available, This analysis brought to you by spreadsheets. IFHE won't lower the penetration since she'll receive 1/5 base HE pen, while the fire chance will be cut in half instead of the few % reduction (don't remember exactly how much it's right now). This extra source of damage is most commonly encountered when shooting at "turtleback" armor schemes (common on all German battleships and other nations' dreadnoughts). In the initial state, the ship will receive damage normally (x0.33 for shell penetration). 1/6, 1/5 and 1/4 are the HE shells' penetration coefficients. However, HE shells can still be very useful when fighting other destroyers, or providing additional fire against enemy capital ships -- in the latter case, your shells won't be doing much damage, but you can make up for that with the sheer number of shells, and fires. Secondaries aim at enemy ship's mid-ship waterline. The image also demonstrates two outcomes of an underwater hit: armor penetration, and a ricochet. The penalty to firing chance changes with caliber now. Damage from fire, flooding, ramming, over-penetration and citadel hits will not reduce any compartment's HP pool (but they will still reduce the ship's total HP as normal). Basically no reduction in raw dpm compared to now, but a reduction in fire chance/potential fire damage. The International Federation of Healthcare Engineering (IFHE) is a non-profit, non-governmental body established in 1970 to enable national engineering professional organizations to join in a world-wide federation. Types of Shells and Armour World of Warships - learn more about naval shell types, download and play free online multiplayer warship game for pc © 2011–2021 Wargaming.net. However, some carriers have enough armor to resist HE, and AP should be shot at them. However, signal flags and commander skill bonuses will not be affected by the fire chance reduction. The total hit points value for all these compartments combined is slightly more than the ship's nominal hit point pool. Some modules can only be damaged but not destroyed (e.g. 'World of Warcraft' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. (Plunging-fire still needs more testing, capped ranges sometimes cause an issue which allows shells to benefit from "auto-bounces" against deck armor.). Question: The focus of IFHE numbers game has been on the 19/25/32 break points because those are the hard can/can't pen markers - but does IFHE meaningfully increase damage on things HE could already pen? Required fields are marked *. The graph below shows the dispersion curves for each ship in the game, followed by it's table and the formulas used. You can farm surprisingly much damage if you hit these parts with AP when they are not angled. This is the thickness of armor that will shatter the shell, so penetration is 20 mm. Bismarck w/ IFHE is a whole different beast compared to without. Sub-optimal damage is better than no damage at all. 16 shells per salvo, 4.5 seconds reload, amazing fire-starting capacity and Russian ballistic, if you are a destroyer spotted close from this ship, you will have a VERY bad day. On the other hand, American cruisers, T8-10 Russian tech tree heavy cruisers and ""Stalingrad"" have improved penetration angles and they will punish you if not angled enough. Tier VII 127mm - Effective when top tier. Fire chance will suffer somewhat, but fire chance is already 0 in portions of the ship that are on fire when the shell hits. Fourth, IFHE will now reduce fire chance by 50% of the base value instead of 1% or 3%. 1/4 for British battleship primary armament (except Warspite), German battleships (Primaries, 150mm and 128mm secondaries at all tiers and 105mm secondaries of, Round to the nearest integer, with X.5 usually rounding. ; 2020-06-11 Ship Comparison added for testing. British battleships, German cruisers, and German battleships without IFHE can citadel Shchors with shells exceeding 302 mm. Bonus Info! It is a LARGE list of ships by the way. 152mm - Take IFHE. A good example of this is 127 mm guns. Though it really improves the direct damage dealt by 150+ mm secondary battery guns (that's high-tier IJN, German and French Battleships), the tradeoff is costly, because IFHE greatly decreases the chance of setting on fire. An AP shell that ricochets after penetrating armor will cause another instance of penetration damage in the section where the ricochet occurs. Most ships use the following angles for AP ricochets: As of 0.7.6, no ships have "worse" angles. Thus, any armor plate of 25 mm or thicker will shatter her shells, while armor of 24 mm or thinner will be penetrated. Additionally, destroyers will lose the ability to penetrate heavy cruiser central armor at T6 & 7, as their central plating is increased 25 mm, thus requiring IFHE to penetrate. As 27 mm < 27.3 mm, IFHE 127 mm guns can penetrate 27 mm of armor. Whether AP or HE, it must penetrate the armor and detonate inside the ship. Third, the IFHE value changes. Dispersion values are same for HE and AP shells of the same gun. This approach of providing either total or negligible protection is referred to as "all or nothing". 283mm - Put IFHE down, Spee. IFHE's use falls off dramatically against tier VIII+ cruisers and battleships. You should also use HE against destroyers -- AP shells will almost always over-penetrate; and HE shells will knock out multiple modules on a DD, giving you a high chance of disabling it even if it doesn't kill. The probability of a critical hit that leads to damage increases for lower module HP values. The IFHE skill multiplies the shatter thickness by 1.3, with no rounding after the calculation. However, HE shells still has a chance to start fires or break modules with its splash damage). In game, taking the citadel's HP to zero would effectively destroy the ship, even if none of the other compartments were affected. Thus, 21 mm x 1.3 = 27.3 mm to shatter the shell. 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