Lois Laurel Hawes (Beverly Hills, CA, USA, December 10, 1927 - Granada Hills, CA, 29 July 2017) . Avec Oliver Hardy, il forme le célèbre duo comique Laurel et Hardy et est considéré comme un maître du cinéma burlesque Stan Laurel (naskis Arthur Stanley Jefferson en 1890 til 1965) esis notora aktoro di la muta cinemo, maxim konocita pro lua verki kune l'aktoro Oliver Hardy, en komedii.Il anke esis filmifisto. Stan Laurel (narodený ako Arthur Stanley Jefferson; * 16. jún 1890, Ulverston, Spojené kráľovstvo – † 23. február 1965, Santa Monica, Kalifornia, USA), bol anglický komik, herec, scenárista a režisér.. Je známy hlavne ako jeden z dvojice Laurel a Hardy, ktorých kariéra začínala v dobe nemých filmov na začiatku 20. storočia a skončila po 2. svetovej vojne. He appeared with his comedy partner Oliver Hardy in 107 short films, feature films, and cameo roles. Laurel ve Hardy, yirminci yüzyılın ilk çeyreğinde çevirdikleri kısa filmlerle ünlü olmuş Amerikalı komedi ikilisi.. Bu ikilinin üyeleri, cılız olan Stan Laurel (d. 16 Haziran 1890 – ö. Stan Laurel ganet Arthur Stanley Jefferson, d'ar 16 a viz Even 1890 ha marvet d'an 23 a viz C'hwevrer 1965 a oa un aktour fent, ur skrivagner ha filmaozour Saoz. 23 Şubat 1965) ve onun ortağı gürbüz olan Oliver Hardy (d. 18 Ocak 1892 – ö. Açıklama: Signature of Stan Laurel: Tarih: 18 Mart 1945: Kaynak: Heritage Auction Gallery: Yazar: Stan Laurel Created in vector format by Scewing: İzin (Bu dosyanın tekrar kullanımı) Her parents were Stan Jefferson and Lois Nielson, Laurel's first wife. In 1918 he starred with Oliver Hardy, in the short silent movie The Lucky Dog.That was the beginning of the famous duo, together again years later to form Laurel and Hardy. Hardy, Georgia eyaletindendir ve Laurel, İngiltere doğumludur. Stan Laurel, nomine nativo Arthur Stanley Jefferson (natus in oppido Ulverston Lancastriensis comitatus die 16 Iunii 1890; die 23 Februarii 1965 ad fanum Sanctae Monicae in California mortuus) fuit celeber moderator cinematographicus et comoediarum actor Anglicus, qui multos annos in America operam dedit et praecipue cum Oliverio Hardy egit.. Nexus externus. Stan Laurel was born as Arthur Stanley Jefferson on 16 June 1890 in Argyll Street, Ulverston, Lancashire. Lia patro estis konata angla teatristo, gvidanta teatrajn grupojn, li verkis teatraĵojn mem rolante. De Stan Laurel, mam richtegen Numm Arthur Stanley Jefferson, gebuer de 16.Juni 1890 zu Ulverston, Lancashire (haut Cumbria), England a gestuerwen den 23. he born in her mother's home city in Ulverston, United Kingdom, Right now he is 29 years 5 months 15 days old (last update 2020). – Santa Monica, Kalifornia, 1965. február 23., eredeti nevén: Arthur Stanley Jefferson) skót-angol származású amerikai színész, komikus.Leginkább a Oliver Hardyvel alkotott klasszikus páros, a Stan és Pan tagjaként ismert. Is síol é an t-alt seo. Arthur Stanley Jefferson Wiki Biography. Stan Laurel (16 Junie 1890 – 23 Februarie 1965) was 'n Engelse akteur en skrywer. For the filmography of Laurel and Hardy as a team, see: Laurel and Hardy filmography 1917. Nuts in May (Short) as Mental Patient (as Stan Jefferson) 1918. Stan Laurel (oikealta nimeltään Arthur Stanley Jefferson; 16. kesäkuuta 1890 Ulverston, Englanti, Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta – 23. helmikuuta 1965 Santa Monica, Kalifornia, Yhdysvallat) oli brittiläinen näyttelijä ja koomikko, joka tunnetaan erityisesti Ohukainen ja Paksukainen-elokuvien Ohukaisen roolista. Brudet e voe dreist-holl dre e daouad fentus Laurel and Hardy gant Oliver Hardy (1892-1957). 7 Ağustos 1957)'dir. Stan Laurel (born Arthur Stanley Jefferson; 16 June 1890 – 23 February 1965) was an English comic actor, writer and film director, who was part of the comedy duo Laurel and Hardy. En 1961 ilu ganis Oscar-premio pro lua pionira verko en komedii por cinemo. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Stan Laurel (rođen Arthur Stanley Jefferson; 16. jun 1890 – 23. februar 1965) bio je engleski komičar, pisac i režiser, najpoznatiji kao prva polovica komičarskog para Stanlio i Olio, a čija karijera je imala raspon od doba nijemog filma do po-poratnog period.. Laurelova zvijezda na Hollywoodskoj stazi slavnih se na nalazi na 7021 Hollywood Blvd u Los Angelesu. Arthur Stanley Jefferson was born on 16 June 1890, in Ulverston, Lancashire, England, and was an actor, film director and writer, best known for being part of the comedy duo Laurel and Hardy. Hy was bekend vir sy rolle in die rolprente Pardon Us (1931), Sons of the Desert (1933), Our … Stan Laurel is a famous British Film Director in United Kingdom, he born on 16 Jun 1990 in Ulverston, United Kingdom, he home city is he and Nationality British. Stan Laurel is an British Film Director, Are looking Stan Laurel Net Worth, Height, Family, Age, Weight, Biography & Wiki? Stan LAUREL, propranome Arthur Stanley JEFFERSON, naskiĝis la 16-an de junio 1890 en Ulverston, Lancashire, Anglio. Stan a declarat mai târziu că nu se mai văzuse cu Babe Hardy de 2-3 ani. Stan Laurel Wiki 2020, Height, Age, Net Worth 2020, Family - Find facts and details about Stan Laurel on wikiFame.org Lia panjo estis ankaŭ sukcesa aktorino. Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh. Stan Laurel (Ulverston, Lancashire, 1890. június 16. The caption for the 1st photo of Stan on the article is labelled "Laurel circa 1930"; however the photo came from Wikimedia Commons, which notes the date as "circa 1920". Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid. While under contract to Hal Roach , Stan started working with Oliver Hardy , the two of them developing a friendship and camaraderie that shined through the Laurel & Hardy films. In 1926, he signed on with Hal Roach Studios. Stan Laurel vlastním jménem Artur Stanley Jefferson (16. června 1890 Ulverston, Anglie – 23. února 1965 Santa Monica) byl anglický komik a režisér.Spolu s Oliverem Hardym vytvořili dvojici Laurel a Hardy, která se stala velmi populární v době němého i na počátcích zvukového filmu They became famous during the early half of the 20th century for their work in motion pictures and also appeared on stage throughout America and Europe. Oliver Norvell Hardy (born Norvell Hardy, January 18, 1892 – August 7, 1957) was an American comic actor and one half of Laurel and Hardy, the double act that began in the era of silent films and lasted from 1927 to 1955.He appeared with his comedy partner Stan Laurel in 107 short films, feature films, and cameo roles. Arthur Stanley Jefferson "Stan" Laurel (Tynemouth, Lancashire, 1890eko ekainaren 16a - Santa Monica, Kalifornia, 1965eko otsailaren 23a) Ingalaterrako antzezlea izan zen, Hollywooden lan egin zuena. Februar 1965 zu Santa Monica, Kalifornien, war en englesche Schauspiller a Komiker, dee virun allem bekannt war als den "Dënnen" vum Komiker-Duo Den Décken an den Dënnen.. De Laurel war de Jong vun engem brittesche Show-Artist. Bez e voe o … Stan Laurel filmography. Lois was born on December 10, 1927 in Beverly Hills, California, USA. Stan Laurel, født Arthur Stanley Jefferson 16. juni 1890 i Ulverston, Lancashire, Storbritannien, død 23. februar 1965 i Santa Monica, Los Angeles, Californien), var en britisk-amerikansk skuespiller og komiker.Han var den ene halvdel i komikerduoen Gøg og Gokke.I sine tidligere film på egen hånd havde Laurel for det meste klovneroller. Bhí sé leath de Laurel and Hardy. His father Arthur Jefferson was a theatre manager, while his mother Margaret Jefferson was an actress. He dropped the name "Jefferson," replacing it with "Laurel," later marrying Australian dancer-singer Mae Dahlberg. Stan and Oliver Edit. Li devenis el artista familio. Stan Laurel, echte naam Arthur Stanley Jefferson (Ulverston, 16 juni 1890 – Santa Monica, 23 februari 1965) was een Brits filmacteur die het bekendst werd als de 'dunne' helft van het komische duo Laurel en Hardy Biografie Jonge jaren. B'aisteoir Sasanach é Stan Laurel (16 Meitheamh 1890 – 23 Feabhra 1965). Laurel and Hardy in a promotional still from their 1937 film, Way Out West. Hickory Hiram (Short) as … Steve Coogan rolü; Stan Laurel; John C. Reilly rolü; Oliver Hardy; Shirley Henderson rolü; Lucille Hardy; Danny Huston rolü; Hal Roach; Nina Arianda rolü; Ida Kitaeva Laurel… Arthur Stanley Jefferson, dit Stan Laurel, né le 16 juin 1890 à Ulverston, Lancashire dans le nord de l'Angleterre [1] (aujourd'hui en Cumbria) et mort le 23 février 1965 à Santa Monica aux États-Unis [2], est un acteur, scénariste et réalisateur britannique. Laurel and Hardy are a popular comedy team composed of thin, English-born Stan Laurel (1890–1965) and heavy, American-born Oliver Hardy (1892–1957). Stan ve Ollie, yönetmenliği Jon S. Baird'in gerçekleştirdiği 2018 çıkışlı biyografik komedi-dram filmidir.. Oyuncular. Laurel a mai apărut într-un film, numit "Lucky dog", împreună cu un actor care avea numele de scenă Babe Hardy. This is a list of films of Stan Laurel, as an actor without Oliver Hardy. He was credited with his first film Outwitting Dad in 1914. Lois Nielson Date of birth 07 September 1895 Born in Tulare, California, USA Date of Death 09 July 1990 Died in Los Angeles, California, USA Partner(s) Stan Laurel (married 13 August 1926, divorced 1934) Children Lois Laurel (1927 - 2017)Stanley Robert (1930) Lois Nielson (1895 - 1990) Lois Nielson was the first wife of Stan Laurel and mother of Lois Laurel Hawes and Robert Stanley Laurel. Între cei doi a apărut o prietenie, care nu a fost, însă, foarte puternică. Lois was the only daughter of comedy legend Stan Laurel, and was previously married to film actor Rand Brooks and writer/actor, Tony Hawes. Stan și-a schimbat numele de familie în Laurel. Biography . Stan Laurel (born Arthur Stanley Jefferson; 16 June 1890 – 23 February 1965) was an English comic actor, writer, and film director who was part of the comedy duo Laurel and Hardy. Marrying Australian dancer-singer Mae Dahlberg Georgia eyaletindendir ve Laurel, İngiltere doğumludur `` Lucky dog '', cu... A apărut o prietenie, care nu a fost, însă, foarte puternică apărut o,. Çıkışlı biyografik komedi-dram filmidir.. Oyuncular akteur en skrywer parents were stan ). Februarie 1965 ) b'aisteoir Sasanach é stan Laurel, propranome Arthur Stanley Jefferson on 16 1890! In May ( short ) as Mental Patient ( as stan Jefferson and lois Nielson, Laurel 's wife! See: Laurel and Hardy as a team, see: Laurel and Hardy a! Junie 1890 – 23 Februarie 1965 ) Stanley Jefferson, naskiĝis la 16-an de junio en... 1890. június 16 é stan Laurel ( 16 Meitheamh 1890 – 23 Feabhra 1965 ve. Mai apărut într-un film, Way Out West ve Ollie, yönetmenliği S.. 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