The government of the USA, under both Johnson and Nixon, became more and more engaged in Vietnam, believing in the "Domino Theory". Feb 1, 2014 - Vietnam Sources for the Cambridge IGCSE History Paper 2 Exam by Mr. Carse. This revision podcast addresses the Vietnam War in the context of the Cold War, and is broadly split into three sections: reasons for the war and America’s involvement, the way the war was fought, and reasons for American withdrawal. 5 1 customer reviews. … << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> SOURCE A. Both the Korean and Vietnam wars took place as communism looked to expand and America intervened, concerned about domino theory. June 2016 History Paper 4: 0470/41 Alternative to Coursework – Download Paper – Download Mark Scheme June 2015 CIE IGCSE History Past Exam Papers. One aspect looked at is the intervention of the USA in the Vietnam War. Edexcel, BTEC and LCCI … Good Luck on your exam fellow examiner! GCSE and IGCSE History Revision, Podcasts, International Relations Since 1945. • The average infantryman in WWII had 40 days of combat in 4 years. Vietnam had been a French colony before it was occupied by the Japanese during World War Two. Asian countries became a focal point in the Cold War. The summer 2018 exam will include a Paper 2 exam on the League of Nations in the 1920s and 1930s.There are extensive revision materials on this topic in the IGCSE/GCSE history revision menu.. This Key Question will be explored through case studies of the following: America and events in Cuba, 1959 – 62; American involvement in Vietnam. The Vietcong’s message of independence from foreign control and ending the concentration of land ownership among rich landlords made it popular with Vietnamese peasant farmers. A guide to IGCSE History paper 2 - source analysis. It can be used as a personalised independent learning module which enables pupils to cover GCSE content on the Vietnam War using the differentiated work booklet but can also be used as a revision resource or a teaching resource via a data projector or interactive whiteboard. Preview. In 1959 Ho Chi Minh declared a war to overthrow the South Vietnamese government and unite Vietnam under communist rule with the support of the Vietcong. London and the Second World War 1939–1945. From now on, General Westmoreland directed the war in Vietnam. %PDF-1.3 Vietnam: A Brief History. Author: Created by jennylevitt2706. After the Mai Lai massacre, many people in the US started questioning US tactics and rebelling against US involvement in the Vietnam War. Created: Apr 27, 2018 9-1 GCSE USA 1954-75: Conflict at Home and Abroad. Study all the sources and then answer all the questions.. Answers and commentary (A-level) : Question 2: Component 2R The Cold War, c1945-1991 - Sample set 1 (56k) However, this war was more about nationalism with Kim Il Sung desperate to unite the peninsula. �@H^Y)��kLnx���S��TAR`\ �:��,�DMJwq��&�:�(����6�B#T�\�6ַjyT?�)��Y�M$ }�G����z�TZ�A�J֕/g�]�j%��[ڇ�?�g��L��y��`�� @/�Д)���0�d��s��Uq�ġ���"ܦG6����9�?������:l��n��d�Y�J��*Z�"���s���� Cambridge IGCSE History Paper 2 Winter 2008 (1) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Tet Offensive and its results 1. Complete answers to the questions below on paper. Both the Korean and Vietnam wars took place as communism looked to expand and … Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Vietnam War revision in 2 pages (no rating) 0 customer reviews. Click the button below to download this worksheet for use in the classroom or at home. papers GCSE (9-1) History Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in History (1HI0) Paper 3 Modern Depth Study . The emphasis is on both historical knowledge and on the skills required for historical research. Click on 0476_s16_qp_21 and 0476_s16_qp_23 and download both. - GCSE History In this video, we look at the Vietnam War and how it started due to the Cold War. The Edexcel International GCSE curriculum is a project School History is embarking on in order to give our teachers access to the highest quality teaching resources. 0470 History Paper 2 winter Excite and challenge pupils with this interactive Power Point Presentation. How to answer questions on the Vietnam war – International History at IGCSE and A Level. June 2016 History Paper 2: 0470/21 – Download Paper – Download Mark Scheme. . First came to play under President Eisenhower and the Korean War. This made him very unpopular with the ordinary people and may have increased support for the Vietcong. The Vietnam War Asian countries became a focal point in the Cold War. The Vietnam War saw the Cold War conflict move from Europe (Eastern Europe, Berlin) and America (Cuban Missile Crisis) into Asia (which also experienced war in Korea). AS well as listening to the audio notes below, make sure you check out notes on the sources that you could be asked about in GCSE History. Part 2: Vietnamese Tactics. It took me at least 2 hours to find it. 59 Longest war in American history (11 years) Total U.S. bomb dropped: World War II = 2,057,244 tons Vietnam War = 7,078,032 tons The power of mass media in wars 56. The historic environment. GCSE History (9-1) SAMPLE ASSESSMENT MATERIALS Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in History (4HI1) For fi rst teaching September 2017 First examination June 2019 Issue 2. INTERNATIONAL GCSE History SAMPLE ASSESSMENT MATERIALS Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in History (4HI1) For first teaching in September 2017 First examination June 2019 Issue 2. Learn more about past papers for students IGCSE History Exams: The Vietnam War. (Cambridge IGCSE History 0470 Specimen Paper 2 Q1 For Examination from 2015) ... of the Cold War and is reflecting the mood at the time. Read more. The Vietnam War Interactive. z ����+���Db����}Ö/!�ieE��%�Y�j�g��슋;�}ſ��7. by Phoenix Admin Teachers | A levels, History, IGCSE. Edexcel IGCSE consists of two mandatory papers. £3.00. Created: May 3, 2016 | Updated: Feb 22, 2018 Revision booklet containing: - Key words board - Past exam questions - Exam technique tips - Recap quiz. While this project is ongoing, we’ve compiled a list of resources related to modules for first teaching from 2019. This belief made the Cold War global but ensured figting did not erupt within already-Communist countries. North Vietnam and its leader Ho Chi Minh. Creative Commons "Sharealike" Other resources by this author. In practice, it meant destroying peasant villages near areas held by the Vietcong and forcefully relocating the people. Preview and details Files included (1) docx, 37 KB. June 2015 History Paper 1: 0470/11 – Download Paper – Download Mark Scheme. 4 0 obj In March, 1965, 3,500 marines arrived in Vietnam. Summary of the basic content for whole of the unit-Reasons for involvement. Posted on 2014/02/28 by Saints and Sceptics. Contains: unit content ... / First World War; History / Contemporary history (1901 – Present Day) / Interwar years (1918-1939) History / Thematic and breadth studies; 11-14; 14-16; View more. IGCSE History 0470 Past Papers About IGCSE History Syllabus The Cambridge IGCSE History syllabus looks at some of the major international issues of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, as well as covering the history of particular regions in more depth. An audio revision guide for CIE IGCSE History that provides guidance and advice for answering questions on Paper 2 - the source paper. CLICK ON THIS LINK NOW! Author: Created by hetuffnell. How did the North Vietnamese try to fight back against the American bombers? Why did the USA lose the Vietnam War? Ngo Dinh Diem’s government was unpopular with ordinary people in South Vietnam, and so it was no surprise when they began to give their support to an opposition organisation - the National Liberation Front, also known as the Vietcong. In 1967 Muhammad Ali was stripped of his heavy weight boxing world titles and did not fight professionally for another 4 years. The Vietnam War - Part 1 - Why Did The Vietnam War Start? policy had been introduced in 1962. For IGCSE History, 20th Century option, the focus area for the source-based Paper 2 in the October/November 2013 examination will be: Focus Points 5.1. It was meant to create ‘safe villages’, and was supposed to stop the Vietcong from getting their supplies and soldiers from villages. ... Protest, progress and radicalism, 1960-75. pڴZ��� Try the easy-to-use past papers search below. Revision booklet containing: - Key words board - Past exam questions - Exam technique tips - Recap quiz US involvement in the Vietnam War, 1954-75. The first section looks at why the war began, and why the USA got involved. Vietnam 1968-1975 Task 1: Knowledge check questions. AQA History. June 2004 QP – Paper 2 CIE History IGCSE ?k�8 ��05�/�����A�ׯ������]?Q@kY6~�S.���u�ϖ8���mY5��Y��y�x� q]8���׹�����:�����-�/Y,Si������Y2���(�cQ�5�h[Q)-������Ӧϒ��)ie��^'��cM�M?��h�nH��l]�i������o@��7tS��Wt5"?�c����oPs*�,i+�T#+��$��.ݖ�� ���#�N���E e�[W��|��Җ�(������I� ڐ�Po�%�+V���lJ�/k`֌cᓌ��ыŝ(Ed�um9 ���@�����S�4� Whole Paper 1 past papers: igcse paper 1 2015; paper 1 igcse 2016; june 2017 paper 1 igcse; Paper 2 past papers and mark schemes: Note that where two sets exist for the same month / year, they are actually different question papers so will not be repeat questions / sources on exactly the same issue. Download Edexcel GCSE History Paper 3 Exam Practice – Vietnam Tactics Mock Answer for Correction. 2 GCSE History example answers and commentaries, Paper 1B/D Example responses plus commentaries The following student responses are intended to illustrate how the mark scheme can be interpreted and how it is likely that students will respond to the questions, allowing the student and teacher to explore and reflect upon the mark scheme and how answers can be improved. 10 of 12 My Lai massacre, March 1968 GCSE History Paper 2 Cold War. The reason for this was because he refused to be drafted into the USA army to fight in the Vietnam war. Apparently having the Gulf War be in Paper 2 is quite rare and the last time they did it was in 2016 (I read the 2016 History syllabus). See more ideas about Cambridge igcse, Vietnam, Vietnam war. The questions are based upon pages 246-9 of AQA GCSE AQA Modern World History by John D Clare. x�Z�rܸ}�W@��2;� �DΦ�=j���Jgf;O��R))U��)��s/ 6�M��D�j ��s�] �x/�ՈR k[Q7F����g�/q���ħ������Ю��te�����V�J|����EQ��'QU��_�w�l��B��g�A�G�mp��6�T������ؿ/��d$K�*�R��M �z�V� �E�����sf�d���. AQA GCSE History - Paper 2 - War in Vietnam - Revision Booklet. 2020 Specimen Paper 1 (PDF, 936KB) 2020 Specimen Paper 1 Mark Scheme (PDF, 1MB) 2020 Specimen Paper 2 (PDF, 1MB) 2020 Specimen Paper 2 Mark Scheme (PDF, 931KB) 2020 Specimen Paper 4 (PDF, 920KB) 2020 Specimen Paper 4 Mark Scheme (PDF, 961KB) stream GCSE History The Cold War and Vietnam learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. By 1968 there were over 500,000 US troops in South Vietnam. GCSE History covers, amongst other things, the Cold War, which lasted from the end of World War II until the fall of the Soviet Union. Specified Content Events of the Cold War: Compared with World War II.…. Formerly an empire in the South East Asian region - under the Lê Dynasty ; Vietnam then suffered colonisation by the French in the 1800s. %��������� Preview. Sign in, choose your GCSE subjects and see content that's tailored for you. Read about our approach to external linking. Loading... Save for later. �23eY��&��܎�To G�t����������'�20v[YU�)'�7�% &�}l�ӄ#�qRbL-�4穅/�vEK��[�kO50�D�G�5�gt��Ā�-wJ�i��FN��E7u�١���̺��]F�My�:9�7��7�;��!(�O��"*�d@A�h�ߙB��{Q! However, students can still get access to a large library of available exams materials. Home Economics: Food and Nutrition (CCEA). You are also very likely to be asked a question on the end of the Cold War. Past papers and mark schemes accompanied by a padlock are not available for students, but only for teachers and exams officers of registered centres. This drew the USA into a war which was not only the longest and bloodiest it ever fought, but also one which ended in America's first ever military defeat. War-in-Vietnam. Our tips from experts and exam survivors will help you through. – Listen to IGCSE History: CIE Paper 2 (Sources) by GCSE and IGCSE History Revision Guides: Mr Allsop History instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - … Paper 2 - War in Vietnam looked at is the intervention of the content... Vietnam Sources for the Vietcong and forcefully relocating the people Ö/! �ieE�� �Y�j�g��슋... By this author into the USA army to fight back against the American bombers you also... For CIE IGCSE History that provides guidance and advice for answering questions on the Vietnam War 9-1 War. Lcci … the Vietnam War – International History at IGCSE and a Level of his weight. Paper – Download Paper – Download Paper – Download Paper – Download Paper – Download Mark Scheme details included... On both historical knowledge and on the skills required for historical research GCSE and IGCSE Paper. You are also very likely to be asked a question on the end of the basic content for whole the! 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