There is nothing stopping SRVUSD from doing the same. I am guilty of not being involved with the district, not digging into the platforms of those who ran for school board prior to this pandemic. "Mintz, who has served more than 15 years on the board combined over two stints, confirmed he was served with the notice this evening. Parents of St. Isidore School students care just as much about their kids' health as SRVUSD parents do. Shame on you. Our hospitals are full, our case count is increasing on a daily basis at the rate in which our total case count was for the entire 6 months prior. Just a thought... @Common Sense guy. Our hospitals are full, our case count is increasing on a daily basis at the rate in which our total case count was for the entire 6 months prior. There has been EVERY attempt made to be listened to.. and they have failed to hear any one of us. SRVUSD Remote Learning Update 3/23/2020. Period. Get daily headlines sent straight to your inbox. ICUs are full and we are losing 4,000 people per day due to the pandemic. The fact there are few public schools open in CA might be true, but I've given you a local example of how some schools are doing it...very successfully. If you do not get involved you have no idea the history, stories and information you can learn. Remote Learning Resources SRVUSD Child Nutrition Grab and Go Meals Digital Citizenship Learning Lab School Psychologist Rainbow Project Speech Make changes to the header and footer on the "Edit Header and Footer" tab on the left. These people just throw every excuse at the wall and hope something sticks. "I personally want to get our students and staff back in school as soon as it is safe to do so. They further point to the allegation filed with the district by resident Kathleen DeLaney that the school board violated state public meeting laws with its Dec. 15 agenda verbiage, claiming the board failed to adequately provide notice, as required by the Brown Act, about its plans to cancel the return of in-person learning. However, here is your reality check; The District is governed not by parents wants and whims, but the county and state. This board has a duty to uphold fiscal responsibility and they have failed! Hurd and Mintz are longtime school board members, while Ordway is in the middle of her first full term. © 2021 35 Good for them. I am not disrespectful, I know there are two sides to everything - anyone is welcome to join any/this facebook group "Back in School Safely." This board is a total puppet to the teacher's union SRVEA. Embarcadero Media So stop wasting peoples time and stop taking our tax dollars from our kids! I applaud our hard-working teachers, administrators, board members, and school staff members. There are few PUBLIC schools open in CA. 699 Old Orchard Drive, Danville, CA 94526 (925) 552-5500 Phone (925) 552-5037 Fax (925) 820-6815 Special Education Dept. St. Isidore School in Danville has been open the entire year, with in-person education for the first 4-5 hours of the day and remote education for the remainder of the day. The lack of concern about community spread is appalling and this behavior is self centered, entitled, and willfully ignorant of our current reality. We know these are unique and challenging times. A group of San Ramon Valley parents has initiated the process to start collecting signatures for a recall petition to oust three members of the local school board over their decision to reverse course on in-person learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic.Notices of intent to recall have been sent to San Ramon Valley Unified School District Board President Susanna Ordway, Board Member Rachel Hurd and Board Member Ken Mintz, petition organizers said on Tuesday morning.The recall backers said they stand for the many parents in the Valley outraged by the district remaining with remote learning only for the general student population, contrary to what they believe is best for their children's education, mental health and emotional well-being. "As you may imagine it has been a difficult decision process at the local level with a number of constraints and considerations including vaccination and testing and the surging pandemic issues locally as well as comments and directives from county health and the state," he added. Let's not forget they did this to us in August and October as we approached the other potential hybrid start dates. You always have choices. How many are in this comment section alone? I haven't yet seen staff's recommendations and very much look forward to this presentation and discussion. How about speaking to the thousands of parents and community members who support and agree with the decision by the Board. The board are scheduled to discuss that matter at their regular meeting tonight.Hurd and Mintz are longtime school board members, while Ordway is in the middle of her first full term. "I understand that at tonight's board meeting Dr. Malloy will review the decision-making process to clarify some members of the public's misconceptions about that process.". In an effort to consolidate resources and streamline efforts to locate remote learning information, we are looking forward to releasing Remote Learning Continuity Plan webpages on the SRVUSD website that will support teachers and families with online learning resources. Every single child deserves the right to a fair and equal education and a CHOICE of where they receive it. Just common sense to me. "Parents and students were blindsided by this sudden reversal," the recall proponents said. @JesseT But Malloy has recommended the board approve an "unconditional commitment response" to the allegation that agrees not to use the same agenda verbiage in question, while not admitting any wrongdoing, in the interest of avoiding potential litigation. Wow, what I/you can learn from getting involved is immeasurable. "We do not believe science supports a continued forced remote learning environment,"said Rachel Bailey, a parent of three SRVUSD students and organizer of the recall effort. Fax They can homeschool forever. Please don’t speak on behalf of all the parents because most of us don’t agree with these views. This is happening, this has support. Sign up to be notified of new comments on this topic. "I understand that at tonight's board meeting Dr. Malloy will review the decision-making process to clarify some members of the public's misconceptions about that process. Board members supported staff's recommendation to pause any reopenings due to new surge in the number of coronavirus cases. The California Constitution states a free public education for K through 12th graders. SRVUSD Remote Learning Update 3/23/2020. "Ordway had not responded to requests for comment as of 7 p.m.The notices of intent represent the start of the process for Contra Costa County Elections Division officials to review the proposed recall petitions for approval, after which the proponents could begin collecting signatures from registered voters in the hopes of spurring recall elections.A copy of the proposed petition has not been released publicly.Hurd said the notice she received alleges three grounds for recall: "unwillingness to meet, to discuss and to vote in alignment with her community members in Zone 5; serious matter of violating the Brown Act; and (she) has not demonstrated financial governance and oversight required by a board member and has failed her primary responsibility to ensure accountability. Home & Real Estate Please make sure your comments are truthful, on-topic and do not disrespect another poster. @Common Sense Guy Pleasanton Weekly, About Us Hurd said the notice she received alleges three grounds for recall: "unwillingness to meet, to discuss and to vote in alignment with her community members in Zone 5; serious matter of violating the Brown Act; and (she) has not demonstrated financial governance and oversight required by a board member and has failed her primary responsibility to ensure accountability. They are not representing the districts they serve. Community Calendar "Hurd, who has the longest consecutive tenure on the current board, said she was served with an envelope containing the notice at her home last Thursday, and was "surprised" by the action. FUNDS that could be better directed at helping open our schools for in person learning given the framework that PROFESSIONALS produce not a bunch of parents having a temper tantrum with too much time on their hands. County Preschool: Log into the class with the link sent by your teacher. The harm the school district is causing our kids will last a lifetime. Not only has this board shown is inability to serve its constituents, it has broken the law, and as well, the district is on track to be completely insolvent by 2022/23. We hope your families are staying healthy and that you are finding ways to enjoy time with one another. We are demanding the rights of our children be given to them. SRVUSD is not alone in this demand, many districts across CA are speaking up. This is absolutely ridiculous. Please make sure your comments are truthful, on-topic and do not disrespect another poster. According to the Superintendent of Schools, Cody Moree, Ed. At the December 15, 2020 Board of Education meeting, the SRVUSD Board of Education voted to accept the recommendation of staff to postpone the start of in-person hybrid instruction until Contra … My 6th grader nailed it: “Adults acting like children and throwing tantrums because they didn’t get their way.” I have not been in the office since March 2020, why would I want to send my kid to school if we are in stay at home orders????? When the public officials want to serve special interests over its constituents, we will make noise. "I do stand by my decision on Dec. 15 to support the superintendent's recommendation to pause our planned Jan. 5 opening of hybrid in-person instruction," Hurd told via email this afternoon. I am disappointed you have failed at your role and have brought it this far. Also, what evidence to you have that "very few are going to sympathize" when you have no real involvement in the movement? Very few are going to sympathize with that approach and will organize to ensure your recall does not happen based on the golden rule. If they are abdicating their responsibilities, they should just commit to that abdication fully and vacate their elected position as well by resigning immediately. These poor administrators and Board members have spent months exhausting themselves with extraordinary patience trying to come up with a plan to get us all back in school while navigating the reality that 600,000 Americans or more are expected to die from this deadly virus by Spring. Please tell me where to sign the recall petition. and may be deleted if deemed inappropriate by our staff. Sponsored content All three earned their current four-year term in fall 2018; they were appointed after no election was held because they were the only candidates to file for the three open seats at that time. Superintendent John Malloy stands by the Dec. 15 meeting agenda and denies any Brown Act violations occurred. ICUs are full and we are losing 4,000 people per day due to the pandemic. That might be more useful than just reflexing to remote education for the entire year. Parents need to act like adults and accept that things don’t always go their way. In a press release Tuesday, the recall backers cited the school board's decision on Dec. 15 to postpone indefinitely SRVUSD returning to more in-person learning via a hybrid model that was scheduled to take effect Jan. 5. SRVUSD Remote Learning Update 3/23/2020. Respectfully, these are such difficult and challenging times for everyone, especially those with children and parents dealing with their educational needs. Time to read: about 4 minutes. SRVUSD board to discuss state health guidelines for reopening schools, Danville firm proposing apartment complex in downtown Pleasant Hill, San Ramon council to review plans for Crow Canyon Gardens improvements, California health leaders lift regional stay-at-home orders, DSRSD: Former Dublin councilman, ex-city candidates on short list for open board seat. D., an individual associated with the district has tested positive for COVID-19. There are scores of social media posts both here and elsewhere asking directly "where can I sign the petition!" It's nice of these folks to jump on the bandwagon of actually watching board meetings NOW- as these are the same people that NEVER watched any before ....while WE all worked and collaborated with the district, donated and worked as volunteers. A&E SRVUSD is offering breakfast and lunch to students in need. Hurd, who has the longest consecutive tenure on the current board, said she was served with an envelope containing the notice at her home last Thursday, and was "surprised" by the action. Parents need to act like adults and accept that things don’t always go their way. News These teachers unions and school board officials are gutless and ignoring all of the facts about the virus. San Ramon Valley Unified School District. The board voted unanimously that night to remain with remote learning until Contra Costa County is removed from the state's most-restrictive purple tier and into the less restrictive red tier, halting SRVUSD's progress toward more phases of reopening after winter break on Jan. 5 as had been planned. Days after the San Ramon Valley Unified School District released its timeline for the months to come, students staged a sit-in. When the public officials want to serve special interests over its constituents, we will make noise. Mike...the fact St. Isidore School is private has absolutely nothing to do with my comments. When there are no kids to teach because they have left, teachers will be laid off. The California Constitution also allows for recall elections. SRVUSD logo. (Portion removed). The choice is clear- listen to our voices and give us choice as was promised, or we will force being heard. Mobile site. These people are elected to represent the community, not exclusively represent the union. The SRVUSD has gone above and beyond to take into account the safety of both the teachers and students and take into account parents’ feedback. In order to encourage respectful and thoughtful discussion, commenting on stories is available to Please stop giving them a platform for their madness. When it comes to remote learning, SRVUSD is mulling over a model that would place remote students alongside students and teachers from across the district. This board is reckless and irresponsible, and willfully ignorant of the voices the community the represent that go against the will of the union. These poor administrators and Board members have spent months exhausting themselves with extraordinary patience trying to come up with a plan to get us all back in school while navigating the reality that 600,000 Americans or more are expected to die from this deadly virus by Spring. Express Favoritism is one thing, playing fast and loose with state laws is another. Don't miss out The SRVUSD has gone above and beyond to take into account the safety of both the teachers and students and take into account parents’ feedback. For many years, schools in Danville have been run by parents that treat the schools as private schools because we are fortunate to live in a more affluent community. I care now, I do not want to see depressed kids trying to recover from this so I am actively participating now. If you are already a registered user and the commenting form is not below, The California Constitution also allows for recall elections. I have data to support the converse as the petition to recall was signed by 30 parents in a matter of seconds after it was announced. How about speaking to the thousands of parents and community members who support and agree with the decision by the Board. Mintz has had two stints on the school board, with his most recent tenure beginning with an appointment in 2009. Public school is in fact open. The attorney was talking about the board's obligations to comply with the Brown Act. Notices of intent to recall have been sent to San Ramon Valley Unified School District Board President Susanna Ordway, Board Member Rachel Hurd and Board Member Ken Mintz, petition organizers said on Tuesday morning. Unfortunately, the Board and the parents gunning for them are not experts in global pandemics and have no choice but to abide by the dictates of science and thank God they ultimately made the only decision that keeps our community safe. you need to log in. Posted 3/23/20 . I haven't yet seen staff's recommendations and very much look forward to this presentation and discussion.". Let's file this under a waste of time and funds-- fund these entitled whiners are taking away from our kids! Home & Real Estate The San Ramon Valley Unified School District has reached a major milestone in its efforts to reopen in-person learning by reaching a tentative agreement with its teachers' union, the San Ramon Valley Education Association, and has scheduled a Board of Education workshop on Thursday to discuss next steps. When it comes to remote learning, SRVUSD is mulling over a model that would place remote students alongside students and teachers from across the district. The lack of concern about community spread is appalling and this behavior is self centered, entitled, and willfully ignorant of our current reality. This board has a duty to uphold fiscal responsibility and they have failed! If they are abdicating their responsibilities, they should just commit to that abdication fully and vacate their elected position as well by resigning immediately. Follow on Twitter @DanvilleSanRamo, Facebook and on Instagram @ for breaking news, local events, photos, videos and more. Shame on you. Everyone is doing their best during this dangerous global pandemic that’s killing thousands of people every day. Jan 5th and then suddenly changed course right before the Jan 5th and srvusd remote learning suddenly course. Continued forced remote learning environment is in the sand or not seats last month taking from. To our TERMS of USE, and we are trying to recover this. 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